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The Point - How Content is Killing AAA Games

Written By Kom Limpulnam on Sabtu, 28 Februari 2015 | 21.50

ear Developer of UBI. Please read this!!

A main story of Arno was not the story about French Revolution in UNITY. It is fraud.

Arno was not involved in the French Revolution at all.

Please change a main story of Arno into to support the revolution and to stop the reign of terror.

Please bring back a confession scene after the assassination.

Please bring back the battle using the hidden blade.

Please bring back human shield.

Please bring back a kill streak.

Please add ambient music in all the time of UNITY.

Arno, please come into contact with a historic celebrity more frequently.

Arno, please become a person in favor of the weak.

Please change clothes of Arno to the black and red

Becaouse clothes of Arno is very blue unlike a package.

Please largely move modern day story to be related to desmond.

Please understand that all of assassin's creed fans made big expectation for the French Revolution.

And, please understand that they were betrayed.

In assassin's creed, all of assassin's creed fans thinking that the French Revolution was too early.

Please know that assassin's creed fan standing in the turning point whether or not abandon UBI.

And all game fans pay attention to the next action of UBI.

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GameSpot Presents The MIX at GDC 2015

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GS News Top 5 - Final Fantasy XV Details, Microwaved 3DS and Kanye West?

Kanye West is making a video game, a rare Majora's Mask 3DS is destroyed, and GTA V is delayed on PC again!

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Riot's Marc Merrill Discusses SpectateFaker and Improving Community Relations

Earlier today, Riot Games President Marc Merrill issued a formal statement regarding his company's investigations into the "SpectateFaker" Twitch stream, the Azubu DMCA takedown notice that was issued against it, and Merrill's controversial comments on Reddit and Twitter last weekend.

This morning, I sat down with Merrill to discuss that statement, his interactions with the community, and what this means for Riot going forward.

Riot's statement frequently references Sanghyuk "Faker" Lee's personal desire to have the stream removed as a major motivating factor in their decision to issue the DMCA notice. With the only public comment on the issue coming from his team, SK Telecom, I ask Merrill if Riot had spoken to Faker. I also ask if it was necessary for Lee to personally want the stream taken down or if the organization representing him could request the removal on its own.

"I think that Faker, like any amazing pro athlete around the world, is in clearly high demand," he replies, "and our understanding is that he has a really good relationship with SKT. Otherwise, when he was getting crazy offers to go play for different teams around the world, the assumption would be that he would have taken something like that. That being said, I'm personally not super close to the details in terms of how his relationship works."

Speaking further, Merrill likens the scenario to traditional sports, where players don't have the time or interest to navigate all of the business dealings around their career and end up relying on agents or sports clubs to handle such issues for them. He believes that "it would be a situation like the [Patriots] speaking on behalf of Tom Brady."

"...our mutual understanding of this stuff will continue to evolve and become more clear over time as well."

Is SKT setting a precedent? Would the handling of any future requests for a stream takedown of a professional player's gameplay shift to the team organizations, whether it be in North America, Korea, or elsewhere?

"It's a case-by-case basis. I think we're covering new ground here and need to evaluate the types of things that are going to happen and unfold going forward. In the same way that when we originally launched League of Legends we didn't have the Summoner's Code, we expect these types of things to evolve over time as we learn and get more exposure to what types of divisions we're going to encounter."

Regarding guidelines, much of the public discourse around the SpectateFaker stream involved where the line was drawn. Could someone "unlock" the camera from Faker, create a "SpectateFakersOpponents" stream, or even more broadly, could they create a stream that spectated a team of players instead of an individual? How will Riot determine when "harm" is being done, as referenced in their statement?

Merrill admits that it's hard to figure out where the line is; "We think that the SpectateFaker case is above the line whereas SaltyTeemo is below the line. So that gap is the type of situation that I think is where we're all going to have to work together to figure it out. So we expect that our mutual understanding of this stuff will continue to evolve and become more clear over time as well."

He does promise that for anything "precedent setting," Riot will be transparent with the community and open a line of communication.

But for content creators and fans, this still leaves a lot of questions open. Hypothetically, if I want to create an automated Twitch stream that follows different members of Counter Logic Gaming across their matches, how do I know if I would be at risk for receiving a DMCA takedown notice from Riot after launching it?

"One of the things that I think would be great is if people who are working with the API and trying to build great systems on it, reach out to our dev relations team and talk to us. If they say, 'Here's what I'm trying to do, what do you guys think?' I think as we all figure these things out together, it's about dialogue and getting on the same page about the goal: Let's make sure we don't harm the community in any macro sense or a micro sense for an individual."

Riot hopes that by explaining its intent in today's statement, it's helped players and members of the community understand what the general boundaries are. Merrill adds, "If there's a gray area, we can collaborate to figure out what makes sense and what doesn't."

With its statement, Riot has formally acknowledged that Azubu had no valid right to issue the initial DMCA takedown notice. But did it take Riot over two weeks to publicly address its partner's overreach?

"Our goal is to nurture this positive and engaging global community"

Merrill explains that Riot "needed to look into it and double-check our facts." Now that they have, he feels comfortable clarifying its position, which is, "If there are going to be any takedowns, they will be from us."

Our conversation then turns to the individual that started it all: StarlordLucian, the SpectateFaker stream administrator. I'm curious if Merrill or Riot have reached out to him directly yet. "Our only communication currently has been through Twitter and/or Reddit. I would love to in the future, but we haven't done that yet."

Finally, we arrive at a more personal subject: Merrill's controversial and emotional comments the weekend before. Riot is no stranger to events unfolding in an unpredictable way that leads passionate fans to intense discussion. Why did this moment in particular spark such an immediate and unrestrained reaction?

Merrill describes his initial reaction upon becoming aware of the situation: "My mind instantly went to 'Oh my God! Precedent!' and we're theoretically entering this new gray area where a bunch of bad situations might manifest. The worst case scenario for me would be that Riot wouldn't stake the type of position where we can protect players in the way that we always care about doing. Our goal is to nurture this positive and engaging global community through esports and all those different dimensions. Everything that we've done has always been consistent with that, we think. And if there's ever something that isn't right, then we quickly adjust course, apologize, and try to evolve. We're going to continue doing that going forward."

The emotional reaction, Merrill attributes, to a personal sense of desire to help the disenfranchised. He recounts several life events where he was angered or frustrated by an individual or a group being mistreated. "That's why I was emotional in the reactions and what I clearly screwed up was, I muddied the message because of the emotion. I was meant to just talk about the case and the principles, but then I ended up doing some things which came across as attacking an individual which was definitely not my intention at all."

Merrill explains that while he was very active in the community in the early days of Riot, that involvement has dropped off as the company has scaled. He hopes that both he and CEO Brandon "Ryze" Beck can work to improve their personal relationship with the community so that players have better context and understanding when they make personal statements. "At the end of the day, the reason Riot is the way it is from a lot of dimensions is because we don't see ourselves as above the community, we see ourselves as a part of it. Sometimes we forget that we could be perceived as these dudes that have this powerful voice, because we don't see ourselves that way."

He explains that he never wanted players thinking his comments were an official statement from Riot. "What I was trying to do was say that we're going to look into this and come out with something. I'm concerned."

Ultimately, Merrill does not feel discouraged by the harsh feedback from the community, "A lot of the comments are really well-deserved. I botched a lot of the intent through bad, reactive messaging, so I don't blame the community for anything. We've been in their shoes many times and been pissed at online game companies that are doing things that we perceive to not make sense. The comments sting, of course, but I think it's the case where it motivates us to get more involved. If there was more of a relationship there, like there has been in years past, this type of stuff would be easier to reconcile."

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Free Loot For Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare PC Players

Written By Kom Limpulnam on Jumat, 27 Februari 2015 | 21.50

Sledgehammer Games has announced yet another way it is hoping to make it up to fans who might be upset about Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare's first DLC being delayed on PC.

As announced on Sledgehammer's website, the developer is giving away the KVA Paramilitary Exo suit for all PC players "as a small token of our appreciation." The loot, which Sledgehammer says is "rare," will be delivered to players via the next Supply Drop they open.

In addition to the free Exo, Sledgehammer is offering doubleXP to PC players effective immediately for the game's multiplayer mode.

Advanced Warfare's first expansion, Havoc, was supposed to launch February 26 for PC. However, due to an "unexpected issue," Sledgehammer pushed back the release date to March 3. The doubleXP event is good until that date.

For everything you need to know about Havoc, which is the first of four planned expansions for Advanced Warfare and is available now on Xbox and PlayStation platforms, see below.

Havoc contains:

  • Four new multiplayer maps: Core, Urban, Sideshow, Drift.
  • Exo Zombies mode: This co-op mode sees player taking on the role of four Atlas Corporation employees played by celebrities John Malkovich, Bill Paxton, Rose McGowan, and John Bernthal as they fight against a "new breed" of zombies.
  • New weapons: the AE4 directed energy assault rifle and custom variant, the AE4 Widowmaker.

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Future Assassin's Creed Games Could Have More Modern Day Sections

New installments in the Assassin's Creed series will place a greater emphasis on the franchise's modern day story than 2014's Assassin's Creed Unity, lead writer Darby McDevitt has suggested. Unity did have some alternate history sections, though they were not as extensive as those from previous games.

This could change in the future, McDevitt explains as part of a recent Ubisoft community livestream. He revealed that his favorite Assassin's Creed modern-day moment--the Monteriggioni town in Brotherhood--could influence future installments.

"That only came about because [we] were able to reuse Monteriggioni from AC2," McDevitt explained (via Eurogamer). "So the future--and this is the plan--is to smartly reuse things so we can have a more robust modern day."

He went on to explain that Ubisoft originally planned for Unity to have more modern day moments, but they didn't make the final cut due to budget and timing concerns.

"We always plan to have more modern day but we have to be really smart about how we do it. There was a plan for a little more modern day in Unity - a plan," McDevitt said.

"The thing with Unity was that it was a completely fresh game on a completely fresh generation [of consoles]. So creating any kind of modern day is a pretty huge ask," he added. "To create a city, for instance, or even part of a city, would require six months of work by many, many artists, designers, modellers. And then you'd need gameplay systems that didn't feel like you were just fencing."

Speaking last year about the possibility of an entire Assassin's Creed game set in modern times, McDevitt said this would be unlikely. "I doubt we would do a modern day AC. There are just too many mechanics we would have to develop to make it believable," he said at the time. "Vehicles, plausible modern cities, a huge array of ranged weapons, etc. The modern day will most likely remain as a 'context' for all future games, something to tie them all together..."

Also during the presentation, McDevitt teased that he's recently been working with other Ubisoft writers to dive into the history of the Assassin's Creed franchise's mysterious ancient earth-colonizers called the First Civilization.

"I particularly love the lore," he said. "I've been working the past two years, with all the other writers, on getting a great document together on the First Civilization. We've created 500, 600, 700 years worth of history that we hope to start teasing out for the next 10, 20 years or however long we're around."

The next Assassin's Creed game, according to recent report, is Assassin's Creed Victory, which is rumored to take place in 19th century London.

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Life Is Strange Episode 2 Delayed

[Correction: Developer Dontnod has said on Twitter that previous claims of a delay, apparently by a Square Enix representative, are not entirely accurate. The studio says the project remains "on track" for release in March.

Square Enix has yet to respond to enquiries sent by GameSpot.]

Original story follows:

The second episode of Life Is Strange, Square Enix's applauded interactive drama, has been delayed until further notice.

Following the release of the fist episode in January, which GameSpot's praised in its review, Square Enix was expected to ship the second episode mid-March. However, a spokesperson for the publisher has told Destructoid that the project has been delayed and could not provide an estimate on a new release date.

When contacted by GameSpot, the publisher was unavailable to discuss the matter.

Life is Strange tells the story of Maxine Caufield, a senior photography student who discovers she can rewind time. The story is planned to unfiold across five episodes, all released throughout 2015.

Its developer, the Paris-based studio Dontnod, has built the game for Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, and PC.

Every new chapter will build and evolve on the choices you made in the past episode, in a manner akin to Telltale's games such as The Walking Dead and Fables: The Wolf Among Us.

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Twitch Plays Halo (Not Very Well)

Bungie's classic shooter Halo: Combat Evolved has become the latest game to join the "Twitch Plays..." phenomenon. This one, however, is different than what we've seen before.

Games featured in past Twitch Plays videos have included titles like Pokemon and early Legend of Zelda games, which are more basic in nature than Halo. In the case of Pokemon, users were actually even able to beat the game. But that may not happen for Halo.

Bungie's game, of course, is set in a 3D environment. As such, chat users must not only move Master Chief around obstacles, but also aim, shoot, and fire weapons to kill enemies. When hundreds of people are triggering commands at once, this leads to some pretty hilarious--and painful--results.

Twitch Plays Halo has been running for more than 20 hours now, but progress has been slow. At the time of writing, users were trying to get Master Chief across a pretty narrow bridge. Watch the video above to see how things are shaping up now.

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Hotline Miami 2 Release Date Confirmed for PS4, Vita, PC

Written By Kom Limpulnam on Kamis, 26 Februari 2015 | 21.50

Indie developer Dennaton Games has announced the Hotline Miami 2 release date will fall on March 10 for PlayStation 4, PS Vita, PS3, PC, Mac, and Linux.

A standard version of the notorious shooter will sell for $15 (£11), though those who preorder via Steam or GOG.com will get a 10 percent discount. Meanwhile, a special edition will come with a remix EP of six tracks featured in the game.

The game's publisher Devolver Digital has also launched a cross-promotion with another game it represents, the current-gen remastered shooter PayDay 2: Crimewave Edition.

Those who buy the standard edition of Hotline Miami 2 will be able to access the Hotline Miami Mask Pack in Payday 2, which features six masks: Richter the Rat, Jake the Snake, Alex the Swan, Tony the Tiger, Corey the Zebra, and Helmet.

In addition, those who buy the Digital Special Edition of Hotline Miami 2 will get Payday 2's Jacket character set, with all six masks, an additional "Richard Returns" mask, a Sociopath perk deck, the Carpenter's Delight hammer weapon, an SMG called Jacket's Piece, and 10 gallons of Hype Fuel.

Hotline Miami 2 comes more than two years after its acclaimed predecessor, which GameSpot's review described as "a discotheque of death that's very hard to walk away from."

The game is banned from general release in Australia.

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Tomb Raider Movie Signs TMNT Writer, Plot Details Revealed

The upcoming Tomb Raider movie reboot is moving forward, this week signing Evan Daugherty to write the script. Daugherty's most recent writing credits include Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Divergent, and Snow White and the Huntsman.

Hollywood news site Deadline broke the news.

It's also been revealed that the new Tomb Raider movie is "on a fast track," with Deadline reporting that there is "strong progress to production language in the rights deal with Square Enix."

The movie will feature a younger Lara Croft who is embarking on his first adventure. Sound familiar? That was roughly the same plot as the 2013 Tomb Raider video game reboot.

Tomb Raider, one of gaming's most iconic franchises, was first brought to the big screen in 2001 with Angelina Jolie playing the lead role in Lara Croft: Tomb Raider. A sequel, Cradle of Life, was released in 2003, also starring Jolie. The films have together grossed more than $400 million worldwide.

Casting deals for the Tomb Raider movie reboot have not been announced, but given the picture will depict a younger Croft, we may not see Jolie reprise her role. No director for the movie has been named, nor has a release date been revealed.

The movie will be produced by James Bond studio MGM, in partnership with GK Films, the company behind the Oscar-winning films The Departed and Argo.

The next Tomb Raider game is this fall's Rise of the Tomb Raider for Xbox One and Xbox 360.

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PS4, PS3, PC Get Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare's First DLC Today

Following its release in January for Xbox 360 and Xbox One, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare's first expansion--Havoc--is now available for PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, and PC. All Call of Duty expansions are released one month early for Xbox platforms per an exclusivity deal between Microsoft and Activision.

Havoc includes the following:

  • Four new multiplayer maps: Core, Urban, Sideshow, Drift.
  • Exo Zombies mode: This co-op mode sees player taking on the role of four Atlas Corporation employees played by celebrities John Malkovich, Bill Paxton, Rose McGowan, and John Bernthal as they fight against a "new breed" of zombies.
  • New weapons: the AE4 directed energy assault rifle and custom variant, the AE4 Widowmaker.

The DLC is included with the game's $50 expansion pass, or can be purchased by itself for $15.

Havoc is the first of four planned expansions for Advanced Warfare. The other three are called Ascendance, Supremacy, and Reckoning. Activision has not yet announced details on these expansions, though you can be pretty sure they will add more maps, weapons, and zombies content.

Advanced Warfare was the top-selling game of 2014 in the United States, according to the NPD Group. For more, check out GameSpot's review.

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Fable Legends is Free-to-Play

Fable Legends, the upcoming 4v1 multiplayer action-RPG, is launching as a free-to-play game on Windows 10 and Xbox One.

Initially, players will have access to "Season One" content, consisting of a traditional linear RPG storyline and side quests, along with four heroes to play as. Those who choose to play as a villain will have a range of different creatures to command, which are tied into the game's narrative.

Lionhead is promising that players will be able to experience the entire game for free, with no gated areas, along with open access to all quests, and no energy bar to limit play time.

Available characters will be rotated, but users can outright buy the chance to use them indefinitely.

"The only thing that will stand in your way from playing quest seven, is that you haven't finished quest six", Game director David Eckelberry told GameSpot.

"Just like your traditional RPG storyline, it's mostly linear with some side quests, so all of you have open access to all the quests in all of the seasons that we ever do."

Eckelberry also detailed some of the long-term plans for the game, promising a regular stream of updates that will include new quests, heroes, creatures, and items, all of which will be free for both Xbox One and Windows 10 users.

Notably, Eckelberry stressed that any items directly affecting gameplay "can be earned" organically via the game's chest and loot system. He also stressed that XP and resources like potions cannot be bought.

Money Maker

Fable Legends will incentivise players to make purchases, even if those items can also be earned through gameplay. Most notably, the four heroes you can play as will rotate on a fortnightly basis, and a new set of public-facing characters will be introduced. Any XP and loot earned with those characters will be saved until they next appear in the public rotation. However, users will also be able to purchase that character for use indefinitely, either by using silver coins collected during gameplay, or by forking over real-world cash.

Similarly, Villains will be able to permanently unlock creatures using silver coins or real-world cash. Players will then be able to use those creatures non-canonically, bringing them into earlier story quests to change things up. Cosmetic and vanity items will also be available for purchase.

Lionhead has not yet disclosed the pricing structure of Fable Legends. Also up in the air is how long players will need to play the game in order to earn enough coins to unlock a character.

"We haven't really arrived at what [that time] is," Product Manager Ian Griffiths told GameSpot.

"The best we can say is that if you're playing the game a decent amount, as we expect a gamer to, it would be reasonable to assume that you'd unlock a character. Beyond that, I don't have the numbers, it's very much up in the air still. And we're still going to be looking at how people play the beta and what works for them."

According to Griffiths, while Fable Legends didn't start out as a free-to-play game, the ideas the team wanted to implement (ongoing updates and cross-platform play) were deemed an ideal fit for that business model.

"[We] touched on a number of games that we looked to as awesome of examples of doing free-to-play right, stuff like League of Legends, DOTA 2, Team Fortress 2," said Griffiths.

"That's the direction that we want to go. They're very commercially successful, they're well-loved by their players, and we wanna be in that kind of area...when you fall in love with a game and it's just such a great experience, you get to that point where you want to invest in it.

"Like I say, I've played DOTA 2 for 800 hours, and [Valve] has just brought out a Crystal Maiden outfit, and I was like 'I have to have it!'. I don't feel compelled to have it, I want it. That's where we want to be, and that's where I think we're going to find success. And that success is reliant on creating a fun and valuable experience for players, and that's where we're going--or at least that's where we hope we're going."

The Windows 10 Connection

While Fable Legends isn't the first free-to-play game to come from Microsoft, it will be the first designed exclusively for Windows 10 and DirectX 12, and the first to feature cross-platform play.

"Every time you make a launch game on a platform that is still forming there are bound to be challenges," Engineering Lead Raymond Arifianto told GameSpot.

"Like, we may say we need a feature, when we don't know when the feature is going to be delivered from the platform. What do we do in the meantime? Is it going to align with our timeline? But this challenge occurs with all launch games, and we're treating this like it's a new platform--essentially Windows 10 is a new platform.

"Everything that you can do on Xbox One you can do in Windows 10, and not only that, but everything just works. You can play on Xbox One, and then if you switch over to your PC you can pick up where you left off with all your character XP, loot, and inventory and stuff, and it just carries over without having to think about it."

There will be some differences between platforms, but Arifianto stressed that those will not give players an advantage or disadvantage (although, it should be noted that PC players will be able to make use of keyboard and mouse controls).

"The game may get prettier if you're running on a really beast machine, we will scale up," said Arifianto.

"On the other hand, we do want to make it fun and fair: just because you're playing on a powerful machine doesn't mean that you will have the advantage...a lot of those decisions affect how we build our multiplayer. We use Xbox Cloud Compute to run host processing, so you don't have a host advantage, for example. All the rendering happens on the client, but for the most part all the simulation, all the physics, all the achievements calculations, all the loot rewards, all the things like that happen on the cloud. We want to make sure that things like that are fair for everyone."

Unortunately, Arifianto wouldn't let slip the minimum spec for Fable Legends, although users can look to other Unreal Engine 4-based games for a rough indication of specs.

"So there will be work to scale [Fable Legends] down. We haven't announced our minimum spec yet, but it's coming. There's definitely going to be some scaling down, things like turning off the particles, things like that, to make sure that more people are enjoying our game...from the architecture perspective, the it looks more like an Xbox One game under the hood compared to a Win32 native game. That's why it can use all the live features. The goal is, from a platform perspective, is to make it easy for people to do what we're doing. Hopefully we're just the tip of the spear, and then people will think that it is doable, and maybe think about it in their next game."

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Next Free EA Access Game Revealed

Written By Kom Limpulnam on Rabu, 25 Februari 2015 | 21.50

Professional basketball game NBA Live 15 is now available to play for free through EA Access on Xbox One. Anyone with a subscription--either $5/month or $30/year--can download the game today and play as much as they want for as long as they want.

With NBA Live 15's arrival through EA Access, the subscription service now has a total of eight free games for subscribers. The others are EA Sports UFC, Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare, Peggle 2, Battlefield 4, FIFA 14, Madden NFL 25, and Need for Speed Rivals.

NBA Live 15 is a relatively new game, having only just launched four months ago.

EA has pledged that it will never remove free games from the EA Access "Vault."

In addition to free games, EA Access members save 10 percent on all EA digital content and can play upcoming games before they're released.

Currently, EA Access is available only on Xbox One. Sony initially said EA Access did not offer a strong enough value for PlayStation 4 owners, though the company has since explained that it the service could one day show up on PS4 if certain business requirements are met.

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Nvidia Boss Responds to GTX 970 "False Advertising" Claims

Nvidia's chief executive Jen-Hsun Huang has responded to criticisms over the company's description of its GTX 970 GPU, saying that his company will "do a better job next time."

The statement (which you can read in full over on Nvidia's official blog), follows claims that the GTX 970 was falsely advertised due to incorrect technical specifications provided to the press. These claims were corroborated by video recordings of performance problems in games that use over 3.5GB of the GPU's VRAM.

Nvidia CEO Jen-Hsun Huang says the company will "do a better job next time."

While not going as far as an apology, Huang's statement does explain that "instead of being excited" that the company had "invented a way to increase memory of the GTX 970 from 3GB to 4GB, some were disappointed that we didn't better describe the segmented nature of the architecture for that last 1GB of memory."

The statement goes on to reiterate some of the design decisions behind the GTX 970, the bulk of which have been previously addressed by Nvidia's Senior VP of GPU Engineering Jonah Alben.

"We invented a new memory architecture in Maxwell", reads the statement. "This new capability was created so that reduced-configurations of Maxwell can have a larger framebuffer--i.e., so that GTX 970 is not limited to 3GB, and can have an additional 1GB."

"GTX 970 is a 4GB card. However, the upper 512MB of the additional 1GB is segmented and has reduced bandwidth. This is a good design because we were able to add an additional 1GB for GTX 970 and our software engineers can keep less frequently used data in the 512MB segment. Unfortunately, we failed to communicate this internally to our marketing team, and externally to reviewers at launch."

"This new feature of Maxwell should have been clearly detailed from the beginning. We won't let this happen again. We'll do a better job next time."

Nvidia has been slapped with a class action lawsuit for allegedly falsely advertising the GTX 970. The corporation is accused of having "engaged in a scheme to mislead consumers about the characteristics, qualities, and benefits of the GTX 970." The suit seeks an injunction against Nvidia, plus legal fees and full refunds, for those who purchased the card. Plaintiffs also seek restitution.

While the lawsuit and GTX 970 issues are a current cause for concern for Nvidia, it hasn't been suffering financially. In it's latest financial report (covering the three month sales period between November and January), the company reported "record" sales for its Maxwell-based graphics cards, pulling in $1.25 billion in revenue for the quarter, and close to $5 billion in revenue for the year.

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Major PlayStation 4 Update Due, Sources Claim

Two separate sources have suggested that a new PlayStation 4 system update is fast approaching, bringing with it new system-wide features.

Talk of the next PS4 firmware build had commenced last Wednesday when Fred Dutton, a community manager at Sony, told fans on the PlayStation blog that "the next update is not too far out".

Following this, one well-known Sony fan who claims to have inside sources, claimed on Twitter that the PS4 update will arrive on March 29 or thereabouts. The person, going by the name Tidus, said the new software would offer a "big update" with "new futures incoming".

Tidus has a chequered track history with regards to publishing insider information, as detailed here. Nevertheless, both these comments together appear to imply that the next major system update is weeks away. GameSpot has contacted Sony for clarification.

The most recent major PlayStation 4 system update, codenamed Masamune, launched at the end of October. It introduced a range of features such as SharePlay, new theme colours, and background music.

What the next PS4 update will introduce remains unclear, though some fans believe the Suspend/Resume function--which allows players to quickly pause and resume games by powering the console off and on--is overdue.

In October, Sony did confirm the feature remains in development.

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Trials Fusion Sells 1.7 Million, New DLC Released

Ubisoft's downloadable racing game Trials Fusion, originally released in April 2014 across console and PC, has now sold more than 1.7 million copies to date, the publisher announced this week. The game is available across PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One.

Trials Fusion was developed by wholly owned Ubisoft studio RedLynx in collaboration with Ubisoft Shanghai and Ubisoft Kiev.

In other Trials Fusion news, Ubisoft has released a new expansion for the game called Fault One Zero, which is the fifth of six planned add-ons for the game. It adds 10 new tracks, 24 challenges, five trophies, and new objects for the game's track editor.

Here's how Ubisoft describes the DLC: "In Fault One Zero players explore the futuristic city of Megalopolis where man and machine are only distinguishable by their medical records. Players will race through holographic cityscapes, testing facilities, assembly lines, retro gaming areas, and a robot dumping ground to navigate their way through Megalopolis."

Ubisoft also notes that single-player Trials Fusion tracks were recently added to the game's online multiplayer mode. The game's online mode supports up to eight simultaneous players and was introduced earlier this month through a free update. Since its launch, players have participated in nearly 2.5 million online races, journeying more than 317,581 miles.

Fault One Zero is available today through the Trials Fusion $20 DLC pass, or it can be purchased by itself for $5. For more on Trials Fusion, check out GameSpot's review.

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Free PS Plus Driveclub Not Cancelled, Sony Assures

Written By Kom Limpulnam on Selasa, 24 Februari 2015 | 21.50

Sony has issued a notice reassuring fans that the free PlayStation Plus version of Driveclub has not been cancelled, following an interview with a company executive that had casts doubts over the project.

In a statement sent to GameSpot, Sony explained that it is trying to create a network that can handle the estimated stresses of releasing an online-centric triple-A game for free. The corporation could not, however, provide a timeline for completion of its work.

"Although currently we do not have an update regarding the timing for the launch of the PS Plus Edition, we are continually working on improving the server capacity to enable us to launch the PS Plus Edition as quickly as possible," the statement read.

Sony's statement comes amid doubts over the prospects of the PS Plus edition--which was first promised in June 2013--after a PlayStation executive appeared to hold off making any promises.

Jim Ryan, the chief executive of PlayStation Europe, was asked in a recent interview whether the release of the free version would arrive soon.

"That's still being looked at," he replied.

When asked whether the free version would ever ship, Ryan replied: "I can't say anything at this stage."

PlayStation Europe boss Jim Ryan initially couldn't discuss the release of the PS Plus Edition of Driveclub

At E3 2013, months ahead of the release of the PlayStation 4, Sony made a pledge that PlayStation Plus subscribers would be given a free abridged version of Driveclub as a reward for their membership.

But the matter was complicated on several occasions, first in October 2013 when the racing sim was delayed just weeks ahead of its launch. It was delayed again in early 2014, and when finally released in October that year, it launched with major server issues that knocked its network infrastructure offline.

During the disaster launch, a decision was made at Sony to postpone the free version, likely in order to prevent the online problems worsening.

Months of waiting followed while fans hoped that the free version would still ship. Then, in early February this year, a representative for the game's developer, Evolution Studios, told a fan that the build "still needs a lot of work".

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"More Realistic" Guitar Hero In Development for Xbox One, PS4 - Report

Activision is getting the band back together, according to a new report.

The publisher is working on an all-new, "more realistic" Guitar Hero game for Xbox One and PlayStation 4, according to Kotaku UK, which cites two different sources.

The new Guitar Hero game, which wasn't given a name, will be announced at E3 in June, according to one source.

The music game, which would be the first since 2010's Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock, will sport a "more realistic" visual look, compared to the "cartoonish" style of past games, according to another source. Expect more authentic-looking artists and even crowds.

In addition, the report claims that Activision is making new guitar peripherals to launch with the Guitar Hero title, though no further information was provided. The new Guitar Hero game is reportedly scheduled to launch before the end of 2015.

An Activision representative said: "We don't comment on rumor or speculation, but have previously said, that as one of the most beloved entertainment franchises, we would only bring Guitar Hero back if we developed the right innovations to usher the franchise into the new generation of gaming."

Activision officially put the Guitar Hero franchise--as well as the Tony Hawk series--on hiatus in early 2011. It was already confirmed that Tony Hawk will return this year on Xbox One and PS4, and now it sounds like Guitar Hero is making a comeback too.

A seventh Guitar Hero game was in development, but Activision canceled this project.

Previous Guitar Hero developer Neversoft and RedOctane are no longer in operation. Kotaku's report doesn't name a developer for the new game outright, but does say the title is coming from one of Activision's developers on the United States west coast.

The rumored revival of Guitar Hero comes less than a week after another report claimed Harmonix was working on a brand-new Rock Band game for Xbox One and PS4.

The Guitar Hero series was once a juggernaut, $2 billion business for Activision. However, sales of later games dropped dramatically. The latest entry in the series, Warriors of Rock, sold fewer than 100,000 copies during its debut month.

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