Daily Digest - PlayStation Rumor Mill

Written By Kom Limpulnam on Rabu, 20 Februari 2013 | 21.50

Remember to tune in tomorrow for Sony's big announcement!

To-Do List

- TUNE IN Super Awesome PlayStation Announcement!
- WELCOME The GameSpot Justicars
- WATCH Escape from Mount Stupid - PlayStation 3
- JOIN GameSpot's Official Steam Community

Tip: Rumor Mill PS4

With less than 24 hours standing between you (the gamer) and Sony's new announcement it's time to get the rumor mill turning. Comment below on your favorite, fictitious, or famed PlayStation 4 rumor for a boost in profile points. If we get over 50 comments we will choose our favorite 3 rumors to be the Rumor Mill Champions those winners will get this nifty poster!

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Daily Digest - PlayStation Rumor Mill

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Daily Digest - PlayStation Rumor Mill

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