‪Big In Asia Livestream Replay: Tales of Xillia 2‬

Written By Kom Limpulnam on Kamis, 07 Februari 2013 | 21.50

It's funny that the guy clearly has absolutely no idea what he's doing even though he's trying to explain it. He's wailing on an enemy resistant to physical weaponry, all the while doing 0 damage. Very rarely he exposes its weakness using a wind attack and begins to do damage, but at no point does he question why he's doing 0 damage. If he had an elemental weapon (he should at this point) or at least used an elemental arte before every attack he made, he would be doing more than 0. The resistances and weaknesses are clearly shown at the top right when he is targeting which enemy to attack, not even in Japanese, so you really would have to have no idea what you're doing to miss it.

In addition, I'm pretty sure the adds in that fight never stop respawning, so there's no reason to kill them. This is all along with completely wasting overlimit mode, etc, etc. I've played through the game (I own it) and enjoyed it, and at this point in the game, this is all common sense, explained to you in Japanese AND you really should've figured it out by now, ESPECIALLY if you supposedly played the first Xillia (hint: it's mostly the same).

Also, for all the people saying we didn't get the first Xillia: we ARE getting it this year.

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