Wishful Thinking: Predicting the PlayStation 4

Written By Kom Limpulnam on Rabu, 20 Februari 2013 | 21.50

GameSpot staff from around the globe sound off on their hopes and dreams for Sony's new console.

With the hours rapidly ticking down to Sony's New York event, rumour and speculation are running wild that the company is preparing to announce new console hardware. GameSpot's global editorial team weighed in on their thoughts on the expected features, games, and services that the next PlayStation may offer, and the reality of what's likely to be unveiled.

If I had to go all-out bonkers with my predictions, I'd say that its supposed codename, Orbis, will be used for the actual device. Given the trend of branding consoles with less-than-unique names, this is a huge stretch, especially since marketing a console is dependent on how relatable your device's name is. The PS4 controller will be exactly the same as the current DualShock 3, only with the ability to be split into two and used as independent motion controllers.

Sony hasn't always let customers play their old, physical games on its brand new systems

As far as software predictions go, Vivendi will team up with Naughty Dog, paving the way for a new, next-generation Crash Bandicoot title with touchscreen functions and PS Vita cross-platform goodness. Additionally, Square Enix will get out of its creative slump and make Final Fantasy Versus XIII a launch title for the PS4. Just to up the ante in bizarreness, how about a gritty reboot of Tomba!, one of the most underrated characters to be on a Sony gaming platform?

Of course, since we're living on planet Earth, and expectations are usually beyond the reality we're given, the PlayStation 4 will unimaginatively be called that: the PlayStation 4, complete with the 2002 Spider-Man movie title font for its name. Used games will still be playable, but will require a surcharge to activate.

The usual franchise culprits will be announced: a new Uncharted, a new Killzone, more teasing of The Last Guardian, and a new Infamous. Sweet Jesus, the latter announcement would make my day. Other potential surprises include Metal Gear Solid 5/Phantom Pain/whatever Kojima Productions is working on to be a PS4 exclusive. For a year. As much as the Metal Gear Solid brand is synonymous with the PlayStation, Konami still needs to make money.

I also hope that Sony makes the PS4 backwards compatible with PS3 titles, though I give it almost a year until it does so with a new hardware revision. Sony has inconsistently let its loyal customers play their old, physical games on their brand-spanking new systems, so I'm expecting them to make us pay for digital versions of the same damn thing they had eons ago.

Follow Jonathan on Twitter: @MrToffee

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