Reinventing the City of Your Imagination - SimCity

Written By Kom Limpulnam on Selasa, 05 Februari 2013 | 21.50

@StarKiller2127Another blind person I see, well let me help you :

- unable to log in, please try again later
- servers are currently unavailable / in maintenance
- unable to save city, cloud not available
- you have been disconnected, progress has been lost
- this feature is only available for premium members
- this feature requires special contect from a (paid) DLC pack
- new DLC pack : subways
- new DLC pack : japanese buildings
- new DLC pack : farms
- new DLC pack : bigger hospitals (police stations, fire stations, parks, ...)
- new microtransaction payment : pay per additional map tile
- new microtransaction payment : buy your way to success and transform real money into simoleons
- new microtransaction payment : additional save slot
- this feature is unavailable in your region
- your account has been banned (insert random reason)
- our account database has been hacked, all your personal and payment information got leaked, prepare for an influx of spam mails and keep an eye on your bank account, sorry
- we are sorry to inform you that SimCity did not meet our sales expectations, so the servers will be shut down next month, we're looking forward to milking you again with SimCity 6 next year
- ...

Still think "gaming as a service" is a good idea ? Think again.

In the meantime, us others are playing DRM free, feature complete games anytime and anywhere we want, trouble free which we bought back in the years when games were sold as products or recently from companies without shady business practices.

But please, by all means, enjoy your limited experience and making you fully dependent on a thirf party to allow you access to the product you bought - I'll be laughing just as hard as I was laughing at those that bought Diablo 3 and other "you have to be online to play" games.

Also I hope your bank account is ready for all the full price DLC packs you're going to get shoved down your throat - expect to spend at least 300 EUR to 500 EUR over the course of next year.

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Reinventing the City of Your Imagination - SimCity

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